What the Autumn Budget means for the logistics sector
04 Nov 24
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The resurgence of rules imposed on holidaymakers was followed by a stark warning from the Prime Minister; Europe is seeing the beginnings of a second wave of coronavirus. While logistics workers have been mostly exempt from previous travel constraints – what impact will a second wave have on the industry?
While not all key workers are exempt from the newly adjusted 10 day quarantine, hauliers need not worry. The Road Haulage Association (RHA) have confirmed that drivers returning from Spain remain exempt, provided that their journey is in a freight vehicle and they’re carrying community authorisation, a consignment note, and COVID-19 movement documents.
Bar very few exceptions, everyone else returning to the UK will need to complete the UK Passenger Contact Locator Form and self-isolate for the suggested period. To ensure that these rules are being followed, the authorities have reserved the right to track and trace returnees.
“We can see, sadly, a second wave of coronavirus that is starting to roll across Europe. We want to do everything we possibly can to protect people here, and protect people from that wave reaching our shores.”
– Matt Hancock, Health Secretary
With the Health Secretary noting the increasing likelihood of further quarantine measures on other countries, it’s clear that the transport industry should brace for further disruption. Being able to successfully operate your company remotely will become of paramount importance.
TrackTrans Transport Management System allows you to coordinate every aspect of your business; from ordering to route planning. Stay in contact with your employees via our simple messaging service, allocate specific jobs at the click of a button and prepare for potential unplanned absences, instigated by government imposed quarantine measures. Even if you’re required to self-isolate or your town/city has been forced into lockdown – you can stay on track, anytime or anywhere!
See how TrackTrans can be tailored to your business with no obligation. Simply complete the form and a member of our sales team will contact your directly.